Careers & Pathways
The college is committed to providing students with career education in addition to career guidance, to support students in their future career aspirations. Careers education is a shared responsibility of all teaching and learning specialists within the school, with professional support provided from the college career practitioner.
Students may be engaged in careers education and exploration during their usual classroom activities, alongside specific and individual career sessions as students’ progress through the college.
In Year 10 students undertake a careers unit of study in the HC10 class. In this unit students investigate various career paths and learn about their likes and dislikes. They develop an individual Career Action Plan (CAP) and work experience placements are researched and organised by the students. Students will be introduced to the VCE, VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM) and tertiary institutions course selections requirements and pre-requisites school subjects.
The college careers website is available with a vast array of information for students and families – In addition students and families can follow the careers Facebook page – Mt Beauty Secondary College Careers.
The college career practitioner is available to answer students’ queries and help with any aspect within the field of careers and pathways support. Parents and guardians are welcome to also contact the career practitioner using the details below:
Jo Macklan
Careers & Pathways
03 5754 4005