Child Safety Framework - Draft Policies
Mount Beauty Secondary College is committed to providing an environment where students are safe and feel safe. We have zero tolerance for child abuse and are committed to protecting children from harm.
Our comprehensive child safety framework outlines our school’s strategies to support student safety and wellbeing.
Our students and their families are important partners in keeping our students safe. We value feedback and ideas on how we can continuously strengthen our child safety framework.
If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact Mount Beauty Secondary College on 03 5754 4005 or at mount.beauty.sc@education.vic.gov.au.
Administration of Medication Policy
To explain to parents/carers, students and staff the processes Mount Beauty Secondary College will follow to safely manage the provision of medication to students while at school or school activities, including camps and excursions.
Anaphylaxis Policy
The processes and procedures in place to support students with Anaphylaxis at Mount Beauty Secondary College.
Asthma Policy
The processes and procedures in place to support students diagnosed with asthma at Mount Beauty Secondary College.
Attendance Policy
The key practices and procedures in place to support student attendance in accordance with the Department of Education's Attendance Guidelines.
Bullying Prevention Policy
The processes in place to provide a safe and respectful learning environment where bullying is not tolerated.
Camps and Excursions Policy
To explain to our school community the processes and procedures Mount Beauty Secondary College will use when planning and conducting camps, excursions and adventure activities for students.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
The management, operation and use of the closed circuit television (CCTV) system at Mount Beauty Secondary College.
Child Safe Standards Commitment and Code of Conduct
Policies ensuring that our school is a safe, supportive and enriching environment for all students.
Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations (Including Mandatory Reporting) Policy and Procedures
Documentation of the various legal and other reporting obligations related to child safety that apply to Mount Beauty Secondary College
Child Safe: Four Critical Actions Child Abuse
Documentation of the various legal and other reporting obligations related to child safety that apply to Mount Beauty Secondary College
Child Safe Code of Conduct Child Safe Std 3
Documentation of the various legal and other reporting obligations related to child safety that apply to Mount Beauty Secondary College
Complaints Policy
An outline of the complaints process so that parents and community member know how they can raise complaints about issues arising at our school.
Digital Technologies Policy
Policies and procedures for use of Digital Technologies (Internet/Social Media and Digital Devices).
Dogs at School Policy (Animals in School)
To explain to our school community the rules and procedures we have in place in relation to dogs and other animals attending our school grounds.
Duty of Care Policy
To explain to our school community the non-delegable duty of care obligations that all staff at Mount Beauty Secondary College owe to our students and members of the school community who visit and use the school premises.
Equal Opportunity Policy
Policies to ensure that people are treated as individuals, respected for their unique attributes and not excluded, harassed or bullied.
Find my School
Find My School allows parents to search for nearby government schools in categories such as primary, secondary, or specialist school.
First Aid Policy
Procedures in place to ensure the school community understands our school’s approach to first aid for students.
Health Care Needs Policy
To explain to Mount Beauty Secondary College parents, carers, staff and students the processes and procedures in place to support students with health care needs at school.
Homework Policy
To outline to our school community the Department’s and Mount Beauty Secondary College’s policy requirements
relating to homework.
Inclusion and Diversity Policy
Our commitment to making sure every member of our school community is treated with respect and dignity.
Medication Policy
To explain to parents/carers, students and staff the processes Mount Beauty Secondary College will follow to safely manage the provision of medication to students while at school or school activities, including camps and excursions.
Mobile Phone Policy
To explain to our school community the Department’s and Mount Beauty Secondary College’s policy requirements and expectations relating to students using mobile phones and other personal mobile devices during school hours.
Parent Payment Policy
Outlines the ways in which school councils can request payments or voluntary contributions from parents and ensures that parent payment practices in schools are consistent, transparent and that all children have access to the standard curriculum.
Personal Property
To explain Mount Beauty Secondary College policy in relation to personal property and to ensure that special or valuable items of personal property are not brought to school.
Photographing, Recording and Filming Students Policy
To explain to parents/carers:
• how Mount Beauty Secondary College will collect, use and disclose photographs, video and recordings of students
• when parent/carer consent is required before photographing, filming and recording students
• how consent can be provided and withdrawn.
Placement Policy
The Department’s Placement Policy embeds the legal entitlement for students to enrol at their designated neighbourhood school, and to enrol at another school if there is sufficient accommodation.
Privacy Policy
Details what personal and health information we collect and how it will be used, stored and secured.
Privacy Policy - Collection Notice
Details what personal and health information we collect and how it will be used, stored and secured.
Statement of Values and School Philosophy
Outlines the values of our school community and explain the vision, mission and objectives of our school.
Student Dress Code Policy
Outlines Mount Beauty Secondary College’s requirements for student dress and appearance and to provide information about uniform purchase and support, dress code implementation and exemption processes.
Student Drivers Policy
This policy sets out our school’s approach to students driving to and from school and school events. Our school recognises the need for the whole community to make efforts to minimise the risks associated with young drivers and to encourage responsible driving behaviours for students.
Student Wellbeing And Engagement
Overview of school supports and process for wellbeing and engagement.
Sun Protection Policy
To support sun protection behaviours at Mount Beauty Secondary College to minimise risk of health problems from sun overexposure, including skin cancer.
Uniform And Dress Code Policy
Outlines requirements for student dress and appearance and to provide information about uniform purchase and support, dress code implementation and exemption processes.
Visitors Policy
The processes implemented to monitor and manage visitors to Mount Beauty Secondary College.
Volunteers Policy
Outlines the processes that Mount Beauty Secondary College will follow to recruit, screen, supervise and manage volunteers to provide a child safe environment, and to explain the legal rights of volunteers.